1st iMiGiNE System commissioned in 2020
1st iMiGiNE System commissioned in 2020

The CEA is a key player in research, development and innovation in four major areas: energy transition, digital transition, technology for future medicine and defense and security. The CEA conducts fundamental research in the fields of biotechnology and health, physical sciences, earth sciences and astronomy, physics and nanosciences. Its main objectives are the production and publication of knowledge and expertise at the highest international level. In 2019, nearly 3,800 scientific articles were published by CEA researchers, three-quarters of which were the result of international collaboration.
The SHFJ (Frederic-Joliot Hospital Service) is a molecular and functional imaging center installed on the Orsay hospital site. With a medical service one side and a research and development on the other, the objective of this center is to create new imaging tools to improve the diagnosis and evaluation of innovative therapies.